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Post & Kornet bestaat dit jaar 10 jaar!

Tijd voor een refresh van de website (wordt aan gewerkt). Intussen al erg trots op de recente referenties die we hebben gekregen. Wat wij doen draait boven alles om mensen. Het geeft ons veel energie om door te gaan met het leukste vak!

Een voorbeeld van een fijne referentie die we kregen, willen we graag met je delen:

'I have experienced Post & Kornet from both a client perspective and a candidate perspective. When I first met Monique & Sonja, it was from a candidate perspective. Their personal approach immediately appealed to me. It was great to see the effects of that candidate approach when I worked with them from a client perspective. Going through the experience myself, I knew that they were very thorough in their matching-process. And after they made sure they understood the role, the culture of our company and growth potential for the candidate, they offered me candidates for the consultative sales role that perfectly matched us. They found the perfect match at a very early stage of our search. Monique and Sonja are a joy to work with and know how to bring people together in a personal way.'

Lisa Victorian, COO@INFO

476 weergaven


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